Data Products related to High Mountain Asia

The following tables list data products that have been produced or will soon be released by the HiMAT teams (both HMA-1 and -2). Datasets are hosted by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

Digital Elevation/Hydrological Models

TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
8-meter DEM MosaicsDEM2002 to 2016HMAArendt (HMA-1)Shean et al, 2020
8-meter DEMs, cross-trackDEM2002 to 2016HMAArendt (HMA-1)Shean et al, 2020
8-meter DEMs, along-trackDEM2002 to 2016HMAArendt (HMA-1)Shean et al, 2020
Chamoli Disaster Pre-event 2-m DEM Composite: September 2015DEM, hazSep 2015ChamoliRounce (HMA-2)Shean et al, 2020
Chamoli Disaster Post-event 2-m DEM Composite (February 10-11, 2021) and Difference MapDEM, hazFeb 2021ChamoliRounce (HMA-2)Shean et al, 2020
MERIT-Endorheic Dataset: Delineation of endorheic basins in 5 and 15 min upscaled river networksriver networkGlobalRounce (HMA-2)Prusevich et al, 2022
River Network for parts of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistanhydro modelSelected countries, 5 arc-min resolutionRounce (HMA-2)
River Network for HiMAT domainhydro modelHMA, 5 arc-min resolutionRounce (HMA-2)


TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Glacier thickness changes from multi-sensor DEMsglacier1974 to 2017HMARupper (HMA-1)Maurer et al, 2019
Average glacier thickness change from multi-sensor DEMsglacier1974 to 2017HMARupper (HMA-1)Maurer et al, 2019
Gridded glacier thickness change from multi-sensor DEMsglacier1974 to 2017HMARupper (HMA-1)Maurer et al, 2019
PyGEM glacier projections under different RCP model scenariosglacier, model2000 to 2100HMAOsmanoglu (HMA-1)Rounce et al, 2019
PyGEM glacier projections under different RCP model scenarios, rasterizedglacier, model2000 to 2100HMAOsmanoglu (HMA-1)Rounce et al, 2019
Debris thickness estimates and corresponding sub-debris melt factorsglacier, debris2000 to 2018GlobalRounce (HMA-2)Rounce et al, 2021
Glacier projections (mass, area, runoff, mass balance components, etc.)glacier, projections2000 - 2100Rounce (HMA-2)Estimated publication: late 2022
Debris-covered glacier surface melt products (High-resolution DEMs, maps of surface melt, flux divegence and velocity for six glaciers in Nepal)glacier, debrisNepalRounce (HMA-2)Estimated publication: mid-2023
Seasonal surface velocity products for select glaciers in Nepalglacier, velocityMonthly timeseriesNepalRounce (HMA-2)Estimated publication: mid-2023


TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Langtang snow bidirectional reflectance factorsnow2018-04-23/24Langtang, NPTsay (HMA-1)
Langtang snow propertiessnow2018-04-23/24Langtang, NPTsay (HMA-1)
Daily snow reanalysissnow1999 to 2017HMAMargulis (HMA-1)
Snow cover fraction, snow albedo including impacts from LAP from MODSCAG/MODDRFSsnow, albedo20 year record500 m spatial resolutionRittger (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Snow cover fraction, snow albedo including impacts from LAP from SPIRESsnow, albedo20 year record500 m spatial resolutionRittger (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
SWE and snow/ice melt from ParBal driven with SCAG/DRFS and SPIRESsnow, SWE20 year record500 m spatial resolutionRittger (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Melt from ParBal partitioned by surface typesnow, melt20 year record500 m spatial resolutionRittger (HMA-2)Estimated publication: winter 2023

Land Surface and Atmosphere

TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
LIS model outputsnow, rad, soil moist., sfc temp2003 to 2018HMAKumar, S (HMA-1)Loomis et al, 2019
MAR V3.5 outputalbedo, sfc temp, rad, snow, wind2000 to 2015HMAMargulis (HMA-1)
ASCAT freeze/thaw/melt statussfc prop2009 to 2017HMAMcDonald (HMA-1)
LDAS 1 km snow and temperature parameterssnow, model2007 to 2008HMAHouser (HMA-1)Yoon et al, 2019
Regional Climate Model Output, Monthlytemp, humid, moist, precip, wind, ocean1999 to 2014HMA+Osmanoglu (HMA-1)
Regional Climate Model Output, Dailytemp, humid, moist, precip, wind, ocean1999 to 2014HMA+Osmanoglu (HMA-1)
Regional Climate Model Output, 6-hourlytemp, humid, moist, precip, wind, ocean1999 to 2014HMA+Osmanoglu (HMA-1)
Regional Climate Model Output, 1-hourlytemp, humid, moist, precip, wind, ocean1999 to 2014HMA+Osmanoglu (HMA-1)
GFDL SPEAR Large Ensemblestemp, precip, humid, wind, model1921 to 2100GlobalShevliakova (HMA-2)
GEOS subseasonal to seasonal forecasts from 1981-presents2s, forecast1981 - 2022Girotto (HMA-2)Some variables published
GEOSldas analysis with snow data assimilationforecast, snow2000 - 2022Girotto (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
GEOS S2S forecasts with snow cover assimilationforecast, snow2000 - 2022Girotto (HMA-2)Estimated publication: 2023
Downscaled hydrometeorological projections from CMIP6 ensemble membersprojectiondaily5 km resolutionZaitchik (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Land surface reanalysis for the past two decades2000 - 2020, daily5 km resolutionKumar, S (HMA-2)


TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
GFDL FLOR modeled daily precipitationprecip, model1961 to 2000, 1982 to 2017, 2061 to 2100HMAKirschbaum, Kapnick (HMA-1)
GFDL FLOR modeled extreme precipitation indicesprecip, model2000 to 2016HMAKirschbaum, Kapnick (HMA-1)
TRMM-derived 3B42 extreme precipitation indicesprecip1999 to 2017near-globalKirschbaum (HMA-1)
Daily 5 km Downscaled SPEAR Precipitation and Air Temperature Projectionsprecip, modeldaily, 2015 to 21005 km resolutionNikolopoulos (HMA-2)

Landslides and Hazards

TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Landslide catalog, ver. 1haz1956 to 2018near globalKirschbaum (HMA-1)
Landslide inventory, ver. 1haz2009 to 2018NepalKirschbaum (HMA-1)
Multitemporal landslide inventory for Pumqu/Arun river basinhaz2011 to 2020Pumqu/Arun River BasinsKirschbaum (HMA-2)
Inventory of newly discovered glacial lake outburst floods across the Himalayaslakes, haz, glofHMAMcCoy (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Landslide Hazard Indicatorhaz5 km resolutionKirschbaum (HMA-2)
30m Flood Geomorphic Potential Index for entire HMAhaz, floodsHMANikolopoulos (HMA-2)


TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Near-global multi-temporal glacial lake inventorylakes1990 to 2018near globalKargel (HMA-1)
Glacial lake outlines from ~1975 Hexagon imageryglacier, lakes1975McCoy (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Supraglacial lake maps on debris-covered glaciers1985 - 2023Nepal, Khumbu regionMcCoy (HMA-2)


TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
MODIS aerosol optical depthaerosol2000 to 2019HMATsay (HMA-1)Jeong et al, 2018
Modeled Estimates of Aerosol Transport, Chemistry, and Deposition Reanalysis (MATCHA)aerosol2003-2019, hourlyHMA, 12 km resolutionKumar, R (HMA-2)MATCHA

Water Budget

TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Global Inter-Basin Hydrological Transfer Databasehydrological modelingGlobalRounce (HMA-2)Lammers et al, 2022
Daily 0.05 x 0.05 deg Noah-MP Land Surface Model Reanalysiswater budget2003 to 2020HMAKumar, S (HMA-2)
River vector discharge at overpass intervals over entire domaindischargeGleason (HMA-2)Estimated publication: TBD
Small river vector discahrge from Planet over select basinsdischargeGleason (HMA-2)Estimated publication: summer 2023
Total water storage, river discharge, other major water balance variables over HMATWS, discharge1980 -6 arcminute resolutionRounce (HMA-2)Estimated publication: spring 2023
CMIP6 Monthly and Yearly Water Balance Projections, 2016-2099 for Parts of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Pakistanhydrological modeling2016-2099Western HMARounce (HMA-2)
5 Arc-Minute Hydrological Flow Direction for the Headwaters of the Amu Darya and Indus River Basinsflow direction2023Amu Darya, Indus River BasinsRounce (HMA-2)

Weather Station Data

TitleTagsTemporal CoverageGeographic CoveragePINotes/References
Langtang AWS measurementstemp, precip, humid, press, wind2017 to 2018Langtang, NPTsay (HMA-1)
Langtang shortwave irradiancerad2017 to 2018Langtang, NPTsay (HMA-1)